FRUIT MYSTERY screenshot. Background is a neon, glitchy-looking image collage. The only legible picture is of a smiling man in a blue polo shirt. A huge red X is drawn over the collage.

MIXTAPE: You Lose for Playing

June 17, 2014 / 1 comment

Execution, Jesse Venbrux (2008) Over the years, I’ve played or read about a lot of games that push the player to feel bad or conflicted about doing the things the game allows. The idea fascinated me when I first played Bioshock; by the time I watched my boyfriend play Spec Ops: The Line I had already tired of it. In between I played Execution, a game which presents the “you…

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Execution (2008)

January 8, 2009 / 0 comments

Jesse Venbrux’s Execution starts with three statements that could be thought of as some implicit artistic assumptions of videogames: Your actions have consequences. You either win or lose. Do the right thing. The game goes on to examine these assumptions in a minimalist style. All you see is a prisoner tied to a stake, and your…

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